Sunday, 22 September 2013


Today's excursion:

By Karolina Rupp Photography

By Karolina Rupp Photography

And to end this post:

"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable." - Banksy (original variation by Finley Peter Dunne)

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Start Playing

Traveling around without a digital camera is quite a strange experience which lead me to use a small point and click belonging to my mom. This camera has quite interesting auto functions I experimented with. Here some examples straight out of camera:

By Karolina Rupp Photography

By Karolina Rupp Photography

I found that sometimes it's a good thing to look away from your normal routine within the field or equipment and let go. I was surprised by the results obtained with a camera I would normally regard as... lets say a toy. But that might be the key... cut the seriousness and play again!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

New Perspectives

Recently a friend and I went to Hartbeestpoort Dam visiting a dairy farm. We decided to take some shots to keep shooting and try some new things. Here an image I like:

By Karolina Rupp Photography

I think in this life one needs to find things that make you see why you are alive. This can be as simple as a beach holiday to putting a complex idea into practice. Once you know what you must do or experience, things become easier and better. 

As Roger Ballen said:

If an artist is one who spends his life trying to define his being, I guess I would have to call myself an artist.