Monday, 28 April 2014

New Series

As promised, here an explanation to my new series:

"How did your face look, before your parents were born?" Zen-Koan
A mask can look inward and outward, it looks at the person wearing it and changes his or her expression but at the same time it also impacts the audience creating fantasies in their head of what is behind it. It stands between the I and the world.

In this series I am creating masks that are made from people, from faces just to become something they are not and never have been.

Oscar Wilde mentioned something really interesting, he said "give a person a mask and they will tell the truth". Imagine a masquerade of truths.

These are just pieces of information, but I will update this post once the series is complete.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

The making of fashion photos...

I recently had the chance to shoot male models again. We took the morning of a public holiday and went to the really empty Pretoria University campus. We were 3 photographers, Jessica, Etienne and myself and 2 models which seemed to be a winning combination!

Here the making of:

And here the newest images:

Vincent photographed by Karolina Rupp

Michael photographed by Karolina Rupp

Sunday, 20 April 2014


"It’s happened. Facebook, aka the free marketing platform we have come to know and love, now wants businesses and organizations to pay to engage with their own fans and followers. If you’ve noticed your reach and “likes” declining lately, you’re not alone.
Back in December, the company acknowledged that the reach per post — in other words, how many of your followers see your post in their News Feeds — has declined. Various studies have confirmed this, one showing a drop in reach from 12% of all followers to 6% over the course of 4 months. And, another blog is reporting that reach will decline to just 1% of your total followers eventually.
With the number of friends and pages that each person follows having increased dramatically, they chalk it up to competition and the need for greater relevance. Of the average of 1,500 possible stories (or posts) that are available to show to each person, Facebook selects 300 to post in your News Feed per day. They do this using an algorithm that’s based on clicks, timeliness of the post and a variety of other factors. In essence, your post has a 20% chance of being shown to any one of your fans — less if it’s not what Facebook considers “relevant.”
So, what does this all mean for you? At PhotoShelter, we’ve continuously recommended that photographers use  Facebook ‘pages’ rather than their personal profiles to promote themselves. And, it’s true that there are still advantages to using pages, including analytics to gauge your return on investment (ROI) and targeted (read: paid) advertising potential. We even have a guide to help you figure it all out. Now more than ever, though, may be the time to re-evaluate your overall social media strategy."

Will this market system collapse?