Friday, 2 August 2013


I find myself sitting in my study, and all around me are papers, books, notes, pens, paint brushes, magazines, cables, envelopes, rulers, and boxes with strange stuff in. They are not neatly tucked away, but are scattered all around, on my desk and on the floor, even the printer became a surface handy to place stuff on. Sometimes I find this mess, as some would call it, quite liberating because everything is accessible immediately. But days like today I just wish I had an hour or two to just clean everything. The funny part is that I theoretically have an hour but that time is already planned for something else. What I'm trying to say is that normally we look for opportunities like these to escape from the actual things we need to complete. I believe the word is procrastination. But I am now experiencing quite the opposite, so does that mean the stuff that I actually have to do in that hour today is a form of procrastination in the context of cleaning my study?

Today I'm going to create a photogram, and I'm quite curious how it will be. And what the final result will look like. Theme for today: Take the old and make it new.

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