Tuesday, 8 October 2013

NSPA Manifesto

What is happening around you? What are you doing? Where are you going? What is the meaning of life? 
Who are you? 

It is important to remember these questions and to attempt answering them throughout your life.

Guidelines to a manifesto that tries to free you and make you aware of or and become one with 
natural phenomenon.

Be aware what you eat. Don't eat processed goods. They contain things that are harmful to you. And you might not even no why. Just remember, don't eat what you can't pronounce. Make sure you source organic produce and meats that are free range at the least, as we are not here to harm or make animals suffer but to embrace their presence. They are helping us out to survive. We should thank them for that. 

The Self:
Be strong and open minded. Embrace what you see. You were given to everyone and everyone was given to you. Some people might be 'bad' or 'good' but essentially you need to decide what that means to you. Start thinking and then do. But don't forget to do. The aim is to be a content human being, not by comfort but by exploration and the seeking of knowledge to in the end form your own opinion and reflect inward to finally understand yourself and most importantly like yourself while still staying humble. This is difficult, but doable. 

What are you doing with your life? What is your calling? Your aim? The aim is to make good art. To create something meaningful and unique, even that uniqueness is rare and is not a must. The most important thing is to express something that makes you feel fulfilled and that has no other purpose than to make others think or happy. Don't work for money. Money is needed but humans give it too much value. You as the human are the key, not what you have in your hands. If you create good art, you won't need to worry about survival, as you are fulfilling yourself and everything else will come. Don't believe, create. 

The aim of this way of life is to live an inspired and curious life, similarly to the view of a child. Stay excited as everything will eventually come together and you will finally be able to say: 'I understand'. What this will be and how you will get there is your choice but if you practice self reflection and are open to creative and interesting thoughts and stimuli, you will hopefully arrive at the place of content sooner than later. Content in the end refers to becoming one with your surroundings, which includes mother nature as well as the unanswered world we don't understand, reaching from consciousness to spiritual phenomena. 

NSPA, being nutrition, self, production and aim becomes the motto: 


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