Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A theory

The future is unknown and thus might appear to be loaded with fear and uncertainty, but on the other hand it might just be something wonderful that is waiting for you. I find that the decisions we make to secure good times ahead are sometimes clouded by fear itself which seems problematic. Someone very dear to me once said: "Schau der Furcht ins Auge und sie wird dir zuzwinkern." This translates roughly to the idea of looking fear into it's eyes and it will wink at you. I think that this is a very good example of how this uncertainty can be handled.

I am writing this post with a certain motive in mind, as I feel sick to my stomach of having people around me who I love and who don't seem to be grabbing life by the horns. I am aware that it is not everyone's choice for being and that I sometimes even fall within this category, but I find after having learned it, that it makes me happier. I do understand that it might not be the same for you.

Here a video that might clarify my point:
(Please understand that I am aware that many theories to life exist and that this one, like all the others are essentially subjective views)

Saturday, 15 March 2014


"We all fear death and question our place in the universe. The artist's job is not to succumb to despair, but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence. "
by Gertrude Stein in the movie 'Midnight in Paris'.

The most interesting duality or should I rather call it choice that is currently offered to me by the universe (for the lack of a better word) is firstly the idea of hard work and structural thinking, following recipes to success and succumbing to reason. On the other hand, that which got me here in the first place, call it passion, call it talent, call it expression still remains the main focus of this expedition. Or does it really? The main focus initially was to just be able to be and to better one's being and find creative ways to do so. It is a constant wrestle between focusing all your efforts to find a place in this social structure that you as artist are comfortable with (what a contradiction) and fight of the nostalgic and bizarre indulgences that make you aware of your unusual presence within this existence, playing with life as if it was a puppy dog dressed in pink latex busy killing a bird. You are the bird.

How do I have the audacity to call myself an artist. It was a description I gave to myself. No one confirmed it or labeled me. 

We are taught in today's academia that throwing together some words and phrases of what label:important people have said gets you to a well rounded conclusion. It is essentially reordering and re-quoting information about a topic and receiving credit for finding it. An interesting phenomenon: Research. But how about the inner knowledge that gets lots? The ideas we wondered about that are unstructured. Yes some of us find it again and possibly understand it better but feel it less. An example is appropriate: A very talented young boy plays piano without having lessons. He is self taught. He composes songs in his head and plays them. His parents decide to give him the opportunity to receive formal lessons which he takes. Years later the boy is a master of his instrument. But everything he composes is based on a structure that he was taught is right and he understands. What happened with the untrained, unfiltered intrinsically felt knowledge he had before?

This post is not supposed to be about what is right and wrong as these things can not be defined in the amount of space I have available here. It is opinionated and might offend, and I am sorry if it does.  But what this post is all about is trusting your intuition for a change, that funny tummy feeling we experience. I know that mine is pretty spot on in 70% of cases as I would not know if it would be all the time as I only listen to it 70% of the time. It feels that sometimes we are blocking calls from the inside, and how rude is that? You would never willingly and/or without reason reject a phone call by a dear friend who just wants to say 'hi'?

But does it get me there? No, but definitely somewhere if I can decide!

Saturday, 8 March 2014

New Website

I am happy to announce that my new website is live!

I hope that it makes browsing easier and of course it has been updated. 

Thank you for all the support so far and I am looking forward to a great year even though it's all ready March :).

Sunday, 2 March 2014

The ghost who is following me

by Karolina Rupp

It's a Sunday and it's raining.  The perfect time to play around in Photoshop and create something new.