Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A theory

The future is unknown and thus might appear to be loaded with fear and uncertainty, but on the other hand it might just be something wonderful that is waiting for you. I find that the decisions we make to secure good times ahead are sometimes clouded by fear itself which seems problematic. Someone very dear to me once said: "Schau der Furcht ins Auge und sie wird dir zuzwinkern." This translates roughly to the idea of looking fear into it's eyes and it will wink at you. I think that this is a very good example of how this uncertainty can be handled.

I am writing this post with a certain motive in mind, as I feel sick to my stomach of having people around me who I love and who don't seem to be grabbing life by the horns. I am aware that it is not everyone's choice for being and that I sometimes even fall within this category, but I find after having learned it, that it makes me happier. I do understand that it might not be the same for you.

Here a video that might clarify my point:
(Please understand that I am aware that many theories to life exist and that this one, like all the others are essentially subjective views)

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