Monday 26 May 2014

Help me help you :)

Why is art so expensive?

This is an interesting question I ask myself as I find myself on both sides of the argument. On the one hand I am an artist selling my work and I need to cover my costs as well as make a profit that puts food on the table amongst other things. On the other, I am not shy to buy art that I like. The limit here is that it needs to fit into my budget, which again depends on my own profits I make from selling artwork.

So how do I take a photograph and sell it for as little as possible in order to make it available to everyone who is interested in having it against their walls? 

Lets break it down:
- Buying the film
- Developing the film
- Scanning the film
- Printing the scan
- Framing the print

This obviously excludes the use of my film cameras and their maintenance costs as well as other things such as fuel to get to and from the places who offer the services I require. 

An option here is to print on non-archival paper which is a lot cheaper and sell unframed prints.

The point of this post is though that I really want my art to be accessible to the people who enjoy it. Being someone who buys art as well, I understand the financial limits as well as the costs involved in making it. 

This is why I decided to do a little survey to find out how much potential buyers are willing to pay for my work.

Please fill in the form here.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

More and more and more...

by Karolina Rupp Photography

Finding space in you life for the things that actually matter, matters. Keeping them cold does not keep them fresh.