Tuesday 30 December 2014

It's just another tomorrow

This beautiful year is nearly over and a new one is to come. One last post before it passes us by. I would like to quote David at Raptitude who said it best:

The problem with New Years-ing your resolution is that it gives undue weight to the idea of a clean slate. It seems like January 1st really does reset something, and that it’s important to harness that rare chance.
But of course, it’s just another tomorrow. There are no clean slates. Past failures will still visit you in your head, from whatever year. Bad internal dialogues will still occur, and you’ll still have the same preconceptions about yourself and the kinds of outcomes you can expect.
All of this stuff is real, and it doesn’t respect the Gregorian calendar.

There’s always a leak in the canoe. Life will always be a story of a bumbling but well-meaning protagonist, dropping balls and missing turnoffs and never quite feeling “there” yet. Get one thing right and soon something else isn’t working. That’s just a fact of life, in a universe where everything is a moving part. But the leak doesn’t need to spoil the trip, unless you believe you can fix it.